As Beylikdüzü British Culture®, we have prepared our new term training program that will lead you to success in the September 2016 YDS exam. Our training starts in the first week of June. In order to reach your target score, we provide you with targeted training by expert and experienced trainers who have been teaching in the field of YDS for years. In order to solve the questions in the fastest and correct way, the goal is to teach you the exam techniques through trials.
Beylikdüzü British Culture® students who do not have a previous or recent YDS score will be subjected to a placement test before joining our course. In order to participate in the course, our students must be at the intermediate level or have received at least 40 points from the YDS exam in the last 3 years. Students who have received less than 40 scores and aim to achieve over 70 points are required to attend the Pre-YDS program.
The program consists of two parts: reading and grammar.
Reading section, more vocabulary and text work through reading texts
Grammar section, subject explanations as well as test techniques and short solutions are shown.
The materials to be used for the effective continuation of the education will be provided by Beylikdüzü English Kültür®.