British Culture Beylikdüzü has proven to be the most successful school in foreign language education over and over again by receiving

the 2011 European Union Quality Award;

being the first and only language school that received Consumer Quality Award for three consecutive years in 2010, 2011, and 2012;

and receiving the best educational institution award in the world in 2015, 2015 World Quality Award.

European Language Portfolio, applied at British Culture, is the first and only education system in Turkey accredited by European Council.

Beylikdüzü British Culture Branch;

– Provides education in accordance with the European Language Portfolio and offers the opportunity to receive education in line with European Standards. Approved by the Council of Europe, the Portfolio offers an education system that measures not only the grammar level, but also the speaking, writing, reading, and listening levels of the students and follows the improvement in these areas.

– Beylikdüzü British Culture Language Course is an IELTS Registration & Test Centre in partnership with the British Council.

– Classes are taught by expert Turkish and Foreign Teachers.

– Provides all textbooks and educational materials to the students free of charge.

– Offers digital animated education services using smart boards and books.

– Provides education in accordance with international standards.

– Students have the right to withdraw their registration within the first 16 class hours unconditionally.

– Is the official of International English Language Teaching Program in Turkey and provides training.